Articles that are relevant to Keyword: firewalld

Ann Lynnworth May 2015
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CentOS 7 Firewalld Cheat Sheet

CentOS7 Firewalld Cheat Sheet # systemctl status firewalld # cd /etc/firewalld/zones #firewall-cmd --reload Links:

Ann Lynnworth Mar 2015
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Allow NNTP through CentOS7 firewalld

How to Allow Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) on CentOS7 (firewalld)If you want to run anNNTP serveron CentOS7, you will need to add a service definition for the firewall, and then allow the traffic.# cd /etc/firewalld/services# vi nntp.xmlN

Ann Lynnworth Nov 2014
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Allow vsftpv pasv ports in firewalld on CentOS 7 (RHEL7)

Although quite a few pages say that you can get vsftpd pasv support by just adding the ftp service to the new firewall daemon (firewalld) on CentOS 7, that has not been my experience at all, at least not when using FileZilla on Windows as the client.  For some reason, the built-in ftp service does n

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