Articles that are relevant to Keyword: WebHub

Ann Lynnworth Feb 2018
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Notes about IISNode, NodeJS, Stripe, WebHub integration

StripeCreate your ecommerce payment gateway account you use NodeJS together with IIS in a way that makes it reasonably convenient to serve the static files over IIS yet have NodeJS respond for selected URLs.Download fromIISNode Releases.  Install. You will end up with

Ann Lynnworth Jun 2017
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Error Code 0x800700c1 on IIS on Windows 10 Pro

Alert on June 13, 2017New App Pool unexpectedly defaults itself to Win32When you use IIS Manager to make a newApplication Pool, itdefaults to win32 not win64on Windows 10 Pro.  This, of course, leads to IISServer Error 500with Error Code 0x800700c1, if you are in fact loading custom win64 ISAPI exte

Ann Lynnworth Feb 2015
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PowerShell on Win2012 Essentials

Use the existing shortcut in TileLand or create your own shortcut to PowerShell on the desktop. Then Run (PowerShell) As Administrator and paste in this command in order to be able to run other scripts... Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Increase Font Size Menu:Properties

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