☑ Launch an EC2 instance from the AWS Marketplace -- look for "CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM" which issupported by CentOS, here. I used a t2.micro instance.☑ Make sure the AWS EC2 firewall ("security group") allows you to SSH in but no one else.☑Display CPU information to confirm what you
The use-case for this is wanting to run a custom 32bit utility developed in Lazarus with FreePascal, using Interbase Objects for the Firebird SQL connectivity. (As of August 2014, IBObjects worked 32-bit for Linux but not 64-bit. That has since changed.) This particular utility needed to be depl
August 2014 This is how I was able to install version 2.1 of the 32bit Firebird client library (libfbclient.so) on a 32bit CentOS 5 server.NB: if you are not running as root, you will need to add 'sudo' before most of these commands.First, this is where you can check for the latest available Firebir
Here are some notes for configuring a Morfik application (DLL) which was in this case compiled with Embarcadero Delphi and using a Firebird SQL database.IIS6 ConfigurationIIS6 needs a web site for each projectI will assume you know how to make a webiste. Point the home directory to the folder contai
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