Articles that are relevant to Keyword: CentOS7

Ann Lynnworth Jan 2019
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Install FirebirdSQL 2.5.8 on AWS EC2 CentOS 7

☑  Launch an EC2 instance from the AWS Marketplace -- look for "CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM" which issupported by CentOS, here.  I used a t2.micro instance.☑  Make sure the AWS EC2 firewall ("security group") allows you to SSH in but no one else.☑Display CPU information to confirm what you

Ann Lynnworth May 2015
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CentOS7 VNC server notes

CentOS 7: VNC Server Cheat Sheet This is for tigervnc-server. Your port number might not be 1.  1 is used as an example only. # systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service # systemctl start vncserver@:1.service Docs:

Ann Lynnworth May 2015
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CentOS 7 Firewalld Cheat Sheet

CentOS7 Firewalld Cheat Sheet # systemctl status firewalld # cd /etc/firewalld/zones #firewall-cmd --reload Links:

Ann Lynnworth Mar 2015
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Install requirements for building WendzelNNTPd v2.0.3 from source on CentOS7

This is about theNNTP server from Steffen Wendzel.I used this path:/usr/lib64/WendzelNNTPd-OSE  and the documentation says to use this path:/var/lib64/WendzelNNTPd-OSE.Download the archive from github and decompress it to a path of your choice -- or -- even easier -- use a subversion client to get t

Ann Lynnworth Mar 2015
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Allow NNTP through CentOS7 firewalld

How to Allow Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) on CentOS7 (firewalld)If you want to run anNNTP serveron CentOS7, you will need to add a service definition for the firewall, and then allow the traffic.# cd /etc/firewalld/services# vi nntp.xmlN

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