Articles that are relevant to Keyword: CentOS 5.5

Ann Lynnworth Aug 2014
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Firebird SQL Client Library install on CentOS 5 in 2014

August 2014 This is how I was able to install version 2.1 of the 32bit Firebird client library ( on a 32bit CentOS 5 server.NB: if you are not running as root, you will need to add 'sudo' before most of these commands.First, this is where you can check for the latest available Firebir

Ann Lynnworth Jan 2011
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CentOS: vsftpf with virtual users setup

CentOS 5.5, CentOS 6 and CentOS7 include vsftpd, theVery Secure FTP Daemon. Here we talk about how to set it up with virtual users, i.e. WITHOUT making a local login for each person. One of many use cases is to enable a set of users who will end up working on web site content, so 1-to-1 ftp to web d

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